Sunday, August 15, 2010

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. ~Henry David Thoreau

My husband has the day off today. Meghan considers this to be "family day", which means I get signed up to cook a huge family breakfast. Meghan had it in her head that I was making blueberry pancakes. One problem, I don't keep fresh blueberries on hand...I know, what the heck? So, Meghan and I got dressed and headed out the door to the grocery store. It was around 7:30 am and it wasn't terribly hot out yet, so I offered up the option of walking to the grocery store instead of driving. So, that's just what we did. Friends, I live next door to the grocery walk there only takes about 5 minutes once you get through the apartment complex and around the shopping complex that the Safeway is located in. But, it's 10 minutes of walking we wouldn't otherwise have it felt really good. I came home and made coffee, blueberry pancakes, center cut bacon, and poured some orange juice for everyone. It was a really nice breakfast. I'm not really certain what I will do about lunch...but I know dinner is a big salad at Oregano's followed by the smells of buttered popcorn. But, I'll only smell...I won't taste. Promise.

I think at nap time I might force my husband to do the 10 minute ab workout with me...

In other news, I got a call for a job interview that I need to return right now. Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmmm Blueberry Pancakes. . . .

    Any bit of walking is a good thing. I get a LOT of my exercise in my walking to the grocery store and back (of course, mine is a mile away but I don't live in the desert either).

    Keep going. You are doing great. And let us know about the interview!
