Friday, August 13, 2010

A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.

I woke up this morning and had 4 messages in my email from people telling me they had read my blog this morning!!! Thank you so much for the know who you are. It's been so nice to have people write me and say I am motivating them to get back to working out or just to get life going. It is awesome having people write and say, "I get that. I'm the same way!" You don't even know how important that feedback is to me. When I'm sitting around today I can say, "Someone is waiting for me to get off this couch today and workout." Thank you for expecting good things from me and for allowing me to motivate you! Thank you for the feedback. I hope you'll stay tuned, keep coming back to read everyday, and tell your friends...the more feedback I get the more successful I hope to become. Thank you for the support, guys!

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