It occurs to me that I did not write yesterday. I'm sorry. I was a really good girl. I ate well and exercised. Yesterday was kind of random. Meghan wouldn't give me control of my tv...I guess there was a really important episode of Dora on. So, I tried to remember what I could of the Leslie Sansone videos and "walked" in my bedroom to the Black Eyed Peas. After 20 minutes Meghan came in and threw a fit that I wasn't making lunch cause it was 11:00. So, I did 20 minutes of walk-dancing (yea, it was BEP...I was kind of getting DOWN!)...and a quick 3 minutes of continuous crunches. Then we had lunch.
It was a good day. I got to spend some time reminiscing with an old friend as she scanned pictures onto my computer from her high school days and then I received a really nice note from my friend, Mandy, saying I had motivated her to get back on the exercise wagon after 3 months of being lazy. So, everyone, "Yay Mandy! Yoo go girl!!!" (She's going to be a beautiful bride next spring)
Well, my dear friends, I have an angry 4 year old who is demanding that the kitchen open for breakfast. I will check back later.
Yay Mandy!! LOL!! Thanks again for the remotivation!