Has anybody had these Strawberry Smoothie Frozen Yogurt bars by Weight Watchers? Well, they are kind of genius. The perfect cool down snack. A serving is 120 calories (aka 1 point, whatever that means). For 120 calories you can eat not one, but TWO Smoothie Bars!!! You only need one. Their not miniature. They are definitely normal sized freezer pops that taste like the best strawberry ice cream on the planet with strawberries in every bite. I'm kind of addicted.Don't get me wrong, this is never going to fix my severe addiction to chocolate, but when I'm simply craving cold or sweet it will definitely do the trick.
Anyway, I am currently snacking on one of these delectable treats because I just finished a 2 mile walk with Leslie Sansone. Friends, this was not as easy as the 1 mile video. My thighs are thumping and I was actually watching the clock today. "Leslie are we done yet?!?!?!" Remarkably she kept reassuring me to stick with her it was almost over. How did she know? In any case, it's quite the step up from 1 mile. I know, some of my friends are tougher than me and killing themselves with P90X and hours of working out at the gym a day...Keep up the good work friends, but, I'll take it nice and slow, thank you.
I think the 2 mile workout is going to have to stick around a touch longer than the 1 mile. Maybe two weeks this time...possibly 3...I'm not as young as I used to be. But, I'm trying to act that way!!! Not to mention they don't have anything about 2 miles available On Demand. I suppose when I get used to this workout I'll have to do the 2 mile in the morning and the 1 mile before bed?? Or someone has to ask Santa to send my video a bit early...
(If you feel like walking a quick mile...I found Leslie's beginner mile on YouTube)
Side note: the other day my friend Eileen commented that she is back to doing the Leslie Sansone videos. She is the reason I knew about them in the first place and knew they would help me be successful. In her attempt to get back on track, she mentioned that when she is about to give up and turn off the tv, she pictures me doing the workout with her. Today, Eileen, I had to picture you working with me. At one point you were standing in front of the tv calling me a sissy, then I told you to get your fat ass on the other side of the room and start walking. You did...and we look good!!!
Also, in a turn of events, this morning I posted not to tell Chad's trainer that he cheated big time on his diet last night...this morning Chad was put on a five day diet and workout plan by his trainer. My name was taken in vain...oops. Maybe we should cheat less!
Woo-hoo!!!! I love that we got into an imaginary motivational screaming match. That's Fabulous!! And we do look good...always!!